Wednesday, May 13, 2020

XXX महर्षि कश्यप

महर्षि कश्यप
By :: Pt. Santosh Bhardwaj 
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
महर्षि कश्यप ब्रह्मा जी के पहले मानस पुत्र मरीचि और कर्दम ऋषि की पुत्री कला के पुत्र थे। भगवान् विष्णु के अवतार कपिल मुनि कला के भाई थे। कश्यप की माता कला कर्दम ऋषि की पुत्री और कपिल मुनि की बहन थी। ब्रह्मा जी के पौत्र और मरीचि के पुत्र कश्यप ने ब्रह्मा जी के दूसरे पुत्र दक्ष की 13 पुत्रियों से विवाह किया। मुख्यत इन्हीं कन्याओं से मैथुनी सृष्टि का विकास हुआ और कश्यप सृष्टिकर्ता कहलाए।
महर्षि कश्यप सप्तऋषियों अत्रि, वशिष्ठ, विश्वामित्र, गौतम, जमदग्नि, भरद्वाज में से एक हैं। कश्मीर को यह नाम उन्हीं से मिला है। इससे पहले उसे सती सर के नाम से जाना जाता था जो कि माता सती से मिला था। सतीसर एक सरोवर था जिसमें जलोधर नामक राक्षस का निवास था।
Kashyap was the son of Marichi who had evolved out of Brahma Ji's forehead as his first son & Kala the daughter of Kardam Rishi & sister of Kapil Muni-an incarnation of Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu. All life forms evolved out of Kashyap through sexual means. From here the boarder line-demarcation, starts between the divine and material-physical creations. Still mutual sexual relations persisted-still continued. Kashyap carried the genetic structures of all the four Varns (caste structure) present in Brahma Ji and carried forward them to next races evolved out of his relations with different wives.
इस क्षेत्र में नाग और पैशाचों का निवास था। अनन्त नाग ने जलोधर को मारकर सरोवर को सुखा दिया। इसी वज़ह से यह स्थान अनंत नाग कहलाता है। अनंत ने ही इसे महर्षि कश्यप के नाम पर कश्मीर रखा। रजत रंजनी (राजाओं की नदी) के कल्हण (कलहाना) में उल्लेख है कि जलोद्भव का विनाश भगवान् ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश की इच्छा के अनुरूप हुआ।
The deities became pleased and all of them proceeded back towards Kashyap’s hermitage. When they reached Kurukshetr, the place where Kashyap had his hermitage, they inspired Aditi to commence her penance to please Bhagwan Shri Vishnu. Aditi observed severe penances for 10,000 years. The place where she did her penance later on became famous as the Aditi Van.
This is the same historical ancient Aditi Van where Maharishi Kashyap used to live with his wife Aditi, which is currently situated in the village of Amin, which is located at a distance of about 8 km from Kuru Kshetr. At Amin there are two Kund (sacred tanks, water reservoirs), one attributed to Aditi and second to her son Bhagwan Sury-Sun.
Amin is a Tirth Sthal (holy shrine) called Sury Kund, where Mother Aditi, the wife of Kashyap Rishi gave birth to Bhagwan Sury-Sun. This is worship place of 86,000 Rishi-Muni and the villagers immerse the Asthi-mortal remains. Kalash-Urn containing ashes, after cremation at the Sarovar-Kund. Its believed that if a pregnant woman lady takes a bath in this holy Kund the upcoming male child will be blessed with excellent qualities like bravery & power.
Amin has the remains of a very old fort situated at a higher level as compared to the village. Its believed that fort belongs to Abhimanyu-son of Arjun. It saw the assembly Pandav forces during Maha Bharat.
This ancient Vedic land of Kuru Kshetr was situated between two rivers-Saraswati and the Drishad Vati. This land has been known as Uttar Vedi, Brahm Vedi, Dharm Kshetr and Kuru Kshetr at different periods. When King Kuru came on this land it was called Uttar Vedi, millions of years ago. He levelled this hilly terrain  measuring 400 Yojan. Over the period this land has been ruled by many empires. The Bharat Dynasty later came and settled on this land.
Later the Battle of Mahabharat was fought on this land between Kaurav and Pandav, during which Bhagwan Shri Krashn preached Bhagwat Gita to Arjun. This ancient battlefield occupies a very large area of around 80 square km. The battle field is mainly divided in seven forests. These forests are named as Kamy Van, Aditi Van, Vyas Van, Phalki Van, Sury  Van, Madhu Van, and Sita Van.
Maha Bharat took place in first three forests, namely Kamy Van, Aditi Van and Vyas Van. As the strength of both Pandav and Kaurav armies was enormous, this extremely large battlefield was selected for the war. Arjun was convinced by Bhagwan Shri Krashn to fight his own relatives to get the Kingdom of Hastinapur. Today's Delhi where the Purana Qila-fort stands, was the capital city of Pandav kingdom, known as Indr Prasth. As a matter of fact the remains of Old Fort do not resemble the great palace built by Dev Shilpi Vishw Karma for Pandavs. 
The sages requested Mahrishi Lomaharshan to reveal the origin river Saraswati, which flowed through Kuru Kshetr. Lomaharshan said, “Saraswati originates from Pakad tree (Indian fig tree). She enters Dwaet Van after passing through numerous mountains. While describing about her majesty, sage Markandey felt that Saraswati was the source from, which everything originated-all the three worlds, three Vedas, Vidya (learning), heavenly bodies like Sun, Moon etc. Once, sage Markandey eulogised Saraswati by saying, “O Saraswati! You manifest in the form of cryptic Mantr- “OMKAR”. You are the eternal form through which the Almighty God (Brahma) manifests himself in different appearances".[Vaman Puran]
Maa Bhagwati Saraswati was pleased by his devotion and said, “O Brahman! I am willing to go wherever you want to take me". Mata Saraswati was initially known as Brahm Sar. Later on, she became famous as Ramhalad. Markandey Ji requested Saraswati to flow in the territory of Kuru Kshetr where sage Kuru was doing his penance. This way, Saraswati diverted her course towards Kuru Kshetr. It has 7 tributaries flowing through Gujrat & Rajasthan. After Kuru Kshetr it flows under ground till Prayag.  satellite images proves this beyond doubt. [Markandey Puran] 
The sages requested Lom  Harshan to describe about the geographical condition of Kuru Kshetr. Lomaharshan replied- “There are 7 different forest ranges in Kuru Kshetr. They are “Kamyak Van, Aditi Van, Vyas Van, Phalki Van, Sury Van, Madhu Van and Sheet Van. Nine rivers flow across Kurukshetra Saraswati, Vaetarni, Ashg, Mandakini-Ganga, Madhu Strav, Vasu, Kaushiki, Kaggar and Hirany Wati. Kuru Kshetr is one of the most sacred place of pilgrimage. A pilgrim visiting Kuru Kshetr should begin his pilgrimage only after worshipping the Yaksh. He should then pay a visit to the famous Aditi Van where Aditi had accomplished a severe penance to get a son. By doing this, he is blessed with sons possessing all the Auspicious qualities-virtues. After that, he should pay a visit to a place called Savan where Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu dwells. A devotee who pays a visit to Bhagwan Vimaleshwar becomes liberated from all his sins and goes to Rudr Lok after his death.  Paritlav, Kaushiki, Dharni, Daksh’s hermitage, Shalukini, Sarpeedadhi & the temples located at the bank of Panch Nad-river, Varah temple, Someshwar temple etc. are very sacred. 
A devotee should also pay a visit to Ram Kund where Bhagwan Parshu Ram, from the Bhragu clan, the clan of Chhibber Mohyal had constructed five ponds and filled them up with the blood of the Kshatriy, whom he had killed. He had pacified the soul of his ancestors by performing Tarpan with the blood of the dead Kshatriy. The dead ancestors were pleased with him and blessed him in becoming free from the sins, which he had acquired because of killing Kshatriy.
The whole of the Kashmir valley was under water and had a big lake known as Sati Sar which was named after Mata Sati. The people living on the banks of the lake were threatened by an invincible monster-Jalod Bhav. Kashyap Rishi requested Bhagwan Vishnu to kill the demon Jalod Bhav. Goddess Sharika who is revered in Kashmir, assumed the form of a dove and brought a small hill (The Hari Parvat or Sharika Devi's Parvat) in its beak and crushed the monster with that hill. Later Mahrishi Kashyap drained the water through number of rivers and rivulets and what emerged was a valley of enchanting beauty, whom the saint named Kashyap Murk. As time passed, the nomenclature changed and finally the Paradise on Earth came to be known as Kashmir. [Raj Tarangini]
This statue was given to Prajapati Sutpa & his wife Prashni in Swayambhu Manvantar, by Brahma Ji. They worshipped Almighty and got the boon after adopting ascetic practices-Tapasya for 12,000 divine years, that the Almighty will take incarnations as their son. (1) Pranshni Garbh-their son, (2). Kashyap & Aditi, (3). Vasudev & Devki. Vasudev got this statue from Dhoumy and it was worshipped in Dwarka. From there it was brought to Trichy by Dev Gur Brahaspati.
Maharishi Kashyap wrote a treaties known as the Kashyap Sanhita, which is also known as Vraddh  Jivakiy Tantr, is an important treatise on Ayur Ved written in ancient India by Maharishi Kashyap, which is one of the first Ayur Vedic texts of the ancient world. Kashyap Sanhita is considered, a classical reference book on Ayur Ved especially in the fields of Ayur Vedic Paediatrics, Gynaecology & Obstetrics. It is also now a part of the Ayur Ved teaching syllabus especially in Kaumar Bhratyal Bal Rog (Paediatrics). In the Kashyap Sanhita, the Ayur Ved is taught using question and answer style. The questions relate to the commencement of diseases, diagnosis, treatment, and management, which were asked by his student disciples and then answered by the Sage Kashyap himself.
Kurukshetr is located between the cities of Ambala and Pani Pat. There are regular buses available for Kurukshetr from Delhi. However, hired car or taxi is the best option to reach to this historical town. 

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