Sunday, September 10, 2023

MARKANDEYS RISHI मार्कन्डेय ऋषि

मार्कन्डेय ऋषि
ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।
अक्षरं परमं ब्रह्म ज्योतीरूपं सनातनम्।
निराकारं स्वेच्छामयमनन्तजम्॥
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन।
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥[श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता 2.47]
मार्कन्डेय ऋषि :: मृकंदु ऋषि और उनकी पत्नी मरुदमती ने भगवान् शिव की पुत्र प्राप्ति हेतु तपस्या की। भगवान् शिव प्रकट हुए और पुत्र उत्पन्न होने का वरदान दिया। मगर यह भी कह दिया कि उनके यहाँ एक तेजस्वी, विद्वान पुत्र पैदा होगा, लेकिन वह अल्पायु होगा और उसकी मृत्यु 7 साल की उम्र में हो जायेगी।
बच्चे का नाम मार्कण्डेय रखा गया। मार्कण्डेय ने एक शिवलिंग के समक्ष शिव महा मृत्युजय से आराधना करनी शुरु की। निश्चित समय पर यमदूत उन्हें लेने आये मगर शिव भक्ति के प्रभाव से लौट गये। तब धर्मराज स्वयं आये। जैसे ही उन्होंने यमपाश से मार्कण्डेय को बाँधा महाकाल भगवान् शिव प्रकट हो गये और उन्होंने यमराज को लौटा दिया। उन्होंने मार्कण्डेय को अजर-अमर होने का वरदान दिया।
One day, Markandu  Rishi and his wife Madumadi longed to have a baby boy. Since, they were so desperate, Markandey started to meditate-ascetics and call to Bhagwan Shiv for his help-boon. Fal one day the happy couple were given two options for their baby by Bhagwan Shiv. He said, "bless you get son with short life of 7 years or a normal son with a long life. Markandey Rishi and his wife Madumadi agreed to the first option and were blessed with a very intelligent-intellectual, enlightened son. They named him, Markandey.
Everybody in the village (Rishi Ashram) loved Markandey. He was exceptionally intelligent-brilliant and always did what he was told-blessed. Despite the sprouts of happiness in the village, Markandu soon became sadder and sadder and sadder as he remembered that Markandey was supposed to die at the age of 7 years and his eighth birthday was very far away. So, one day, Markandey walked to his dad and asked why he was so unhappy-sad Markandu retold the story of what had happened when they were blessed with a son and how he was supposed to die at the age of 7. Markandey then was upset. "That son is you and fell into tears". Markandey was not at a concerned; instead, he happily replied, "Father, member how you told me that praying and meditating is the key to everything; I will pray. I will ask Bhagwan Shiv if I can have a longer life & will return victorious". That was when he set off, taking nothing but himself. Madumadi and Markandu were left in despair. Nothing but the thought of Markandey swirled around their thoughts.
Soon Markandey arrived at the spot, he needed to be the depths of the forest (isolation) & built a Shiv Ling there. Surrounding him were a few blackbucks and lush green trees. Then he started praying & did not stop for even for an second. It did not worry him. He just wanted his parents to be happy, so he began the meditation morning noon, night but he continued.
After days and months and weeks, Bhagwan Shiv appeared to answered his desperate call. "Oh Bhagwan Shiv! Please help me! All ask for is that you, Oh Mighty One! Let me have a longer life"! Since Bhagwan Shiv was very easy to please, Markandey's wish was granted.
The messengers of Yam-Dharm Raj Yam Doots, came to catch hold of him, but were repelled by the ascetic powers gained by Markandey. They returned back to Yam Raj and reported the story. Yam Raj himself came to the spot where Markandey was worshipping, Bhagwan Shiv in the company of Shiv Ling. He too tried hard and threw Yam Pash over Markandey. At this juncture, Bhagwan shiv appeared and prohibited Yam Raj saying that you are Kal and remember I am Maha Kal.
Bhagwan Shiv granted Vardan-boon, to Markandey that he would survive for long and would become immortal, Azar & Amar.
He returned home happily and his parents along with the villagers were overjoyed to see him. He is still alive and is one of the 7 immortal inhibiting the earth like Ashwatthama, Krapachary, Vibhishan Ji.
7 IMMORTALS चिरंजीवी :: (1). भगवान् परशुराम (Bhagwan Parshuram), (2). बलि (Bali), (3). हनुमान (Hanuman Ji Maha Raj), (4). विभीषण (Vibhishan Ji), (5). महर्षि वेद व्यास (Maharshi Ved Vyas),  (6). अश्वत्थामा-द्रोण पुत्र (Ashwatthama-incarnation of Bhawan Shiv) & (7). कृपाचार्य (Krapachary).

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संतोष महादेव-धर्म विद्या सिद्ध व्यास पीठ (बी ब्लाक, सैक्टर 19, नौयडा)